For Latest Inventory of New and Used Restaurant Equipment Call (901) 527-8445

We love our business customers. And they really seem to love us, too. Maybe because we’ve been in the business of helping them for so long. Maybe because we listen to what they need and want, and do our best to provide it. Or maybe it’s just our irresistible charm and good looks. Whatever the reason, we’re sure glad to have them.

Here’s what we sell most to restaurants and caterers:

New & used commercial refrigerators, freezers, ranges, fryers, pots, pans, spatulas, steamtable pans, food storage containers, dishware, glassware, flatware, foam & plastic carryouts, cups & plates, aluminum pans, bulk spices, frozen meats, canned vegetables and much, much more.

“Love that I can get industrial equipment without a membership.”

— Tia Hurley